Reverse Smile Line Training
In this reverse smile line training course, we will look at the simple step-by-step reverse smile line application, which benefits over the standard zone 1,2,3 application.
Are you dreaming of creating that perfect smile line?
A smile line is a purely aesthetic element of nail enhancement design, meaning you could have a beautiful and structurally correct nail enhancement spoiled by a misplaced smile line.
French Smile lines are works of art that need continuous practice, and there are certain rules you must follow to create perfect smile lines time after time.
Learn how to create the perfect smile lines giving that competition-looking nails.
This online reverse high line smile course will also cover infills, rebalance, and safe removals are allowing you to offer a full and professional service.
About this course
This best reverse smile line online training course has a lot of tiny details that go into ideal nails and developing an ideal reserve smile line is just one of these. Additionally, it is a skill that needs training and training. In this course, you will discover the ‘reverse’ technique, the way to supply this popular treatment for customers, in addition to aftercare and safe removal after use.
Created for your needs
The main feature you’ll cover in this reverse smile on line curses the UK is
- Foundation
- Anatomy and Physiology – Nails
- Nail and Skin Healthcare
- Reverse Smile Line
Providing relevant knowledge and skills
After completing this reverse smile line course at home online by Verrolyne training, learners must know and understand the following learning outcomes:
- 30 video tutorials guiding you through every aspect of applying, maintaining, and removing builder gel nails
- 5 easy to follow downloadable eBooks in 26 units, designed to enhance your progressive learning techniques
- Easy online learning through your cell phone, tablet computer, and computer
- Attain a Diploma Certificate Letting you gain professional Insurance
- Complete support and guidance from functioning professionals
- Learn the simple step-by-step method of reverse smile line application to wow your clients! You will be able to achieve amazing-looking professional nails with our reverse smile line course.
Learning support
As part of the reverse smile line online course by Verrolyne training, you will have full access to detailed course materials, including your specially designed course eBooks which include full step by step guides, demonstration tutorial videos filmed professionally by Verrolyne founder as well as workbooks, downloads, and much more…
This course will also cover infills, rebalance and safe removals allowing you to offer a full and professional service.
Module Total: 5
Vid Total: 30
Unit Total: 26