Award Of Licensed Premises Staff
The Award Of Licensed Premises Staff online training course offers comprehension of the duty to market alcohol legally and responsibly. It explains the fundamentals of law, — that licenses are needed to promote alcohol, which actions are licensable, and what the licensing objectives are. The guidance & training Award Of Licensed Premises Staffconcentrates on the value of responsible retailing rather than selling alcohol to underage customers or to drunk individuals.
Created for your needs
This program intends to provide students with the knowledge and comprehension of the best staff training courses Award Of Licensed Premises Staff UK to obey the law.
The main feature you’ll cover in this highly qualified Award Of Licensed Premises Staff online staff course is:
- The licensing objectives
- The definition of alcohol & the Licensing Act 2003
- Authorizing staff to make alcohol sales
- Recognizing the signs of alcohol over-consumption
- Best practice in resolving conflict
Providing relevant knowledge and skills
After completing this Award Of Licensed Premises Staff online training course by Verrolyne training, learners must know and understand the following learning outcomes:
- Explain its influence on your body
- Recognize drinking routines that may lead to injury to the person
- Calculate the components of alcohol in a beverage with all the ABV
- Review licensing law and record the four licensing Goals
- State the responsibilities of the Personal license Holder and Premises Licence Holder
- Outline Age Verification Policy and the fundamentals Of Fight 21 and Challenge 25
- Use effective communication to request evidence of age
- Describe responsible advertising strategies with regards to alcohol promotions
- Summarise the compulsory conditions for the sale of alcohol out of on-sale and off-sale assumptions
- Recognize the signs of drunkenness and say the Penalties for serving alcohol to a person who’s drunk
Recognize the signs of alcohol-related offense on licensed premises, to make sure can take it to care of quickly and efficiently
- Video tutorials guiding you through every aspect of every treatment.
- Easy to follow downloadable eBooks in units, designed to enhance your progressive learning techniques
- Easy online learning via your mobile, tablet and pc
- Full support and guidance from working professionals